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How to Write an Academic Paper

So You've Got a Prompt and an Idea, Now What?

Time to face facts: Writing essays sucks if they're for school. They're boring cut and dry affairs, professors get really anal about citing your resources, and it's really tough to pull out eight pages. In my years as a tutor, I've been devised a pretty foolproof method that will let you turn a daunting assignment into a snoozefest.

Developing Your Thesis

Your thesis is ultimately the most important part of your paper. The opposite of a hypothesis, which is the question, you want to testify. Making your thesis can be pretty difficult if you want to keep the overall content as short and concise as possible. Further complication and not elaborating. So, if you're going to write a complicated thesis, make sure it's at least proven. Developing your thesis. You have to make it. If you're not able to convince yourself,

Your thesis can be derived from the subject matter. If you're writing an essay on the high cost of fame and you're using Britney Spears as a focal point, an improper thesis would go like this: "I think that the cost of fame is really reflected on Britney, she's had some bad stuff happen and she lost her kids. " Now, taking a look at that previous sentence, it's too personal, too fluffy, not definitive. A proper thesis would go like this: "Through Ms. Spears, the high cost of fame can be seen through the loss of her children, and given further credence from her mental breakdowns." See the difference? The last sentence is informal, it's cold and mechanical, but most of all it sounds like you're really certain of your point.

Developing The Body

Coming up with the actual body of your paper. An outline is only a few words in a simple and easy to read format, but an actual essay is the whole kit and kaboodle and can be pretty tough to compose if you do not know how to. Think of your body as being elaborations on the various focal points in your introductory paragraph or paragraphs. Have each sentence or sentences be subject to further elaboration in the actual text. Make careful use of quotations when developing individual paragraphs. The use of lenses can not be real, but you can not get rid of all of them, but liberally peppering your paper with them. people do. As always,

Developing The Conclusion

Once more, we're back to the thesis. Here's the big bang so to speak, and you really have to push your literary guns to sell your point across. Summarize the various points in your previous paragraphs, and finally restate your thesis in a different way. Make sure to be persuasive, using strongly objective language and a very formal tone to your advantage. Giving that air of absolute certainty is really important, and I can not stress that enough. If you are satisfied with your paper, make sure to just edit it and cite all your resources.

Make Sure The Formatting Is Tip-Top

Be very careful to insure that your sources are properly cited and all quotations are attributed to their respective origins. Congratulations, you've done an academic paper like it was nothing. Well, I'm sure it was more than nothing, but having a great system in place can make proceeding through your essays an absolute breeze. For research paper help visit paper